Most paintings are framed, except a few paintings on box canvas, and they are priced in pounds sterling.
Limited edition prints unframed can be collected from my studio or they can be posted in stiff print tubes.
Please contact John by phone or email to inquire about any original painting or print. If buyers are local or in the area they are very welcome to come to the art studio and browse over John’s paintings. Just give John a call or email as he is available at most times and days. Artwork purchased from website where buyer cannot collect please allow for postage, packing and insurance which can vary according to location will be added to your order. The following rates apply.
Artwork U.K. Europe USA./Canada

Small painting Free £50 £100
Medium painting £50 £60 £140
Large painting £150 £200 £300
Prints Free £20 £30

For the convenience of overseas customers you may convert my prices into your own currency
by clicking on the currency converter
To place your order either email John at, or telephone John at his studio in Dundee 44 (0) 1382 665879
giving details of painting or print, and your name, and address.

Payment method
Bank transfer direct to John's bank account, contact John for his bank details, (bank, account number and sort code).
This is normally the easiest and quickest method using internet banking.
Cash or cheque if payment is made at his Original Art studio in Dundee. See address below.
The artwork will be posted immediately bank transfers completed and you will be emailed to confirm delivery, which should take up to 5 days in UK, up to 6 days in Europe, USA, Canada, and 8 to 10 days elsewhere.

Contact John Stoa at his studio at
Original Art
17a Menzieshill Road

Email :

Telephone : 44 (0) 1382 665879