Road to the Glens winter landscape painting


Into the Night figure study in acrylic with a Scottish model.


Summer Exhibition at Dundee Botanic Gardens


Tall Ships Race in Edinburgh on the River Forth

Google map showing John’s Original Art Studio in Menzieshill Road

Sunset on the River Yare


Lady in Red at the Bandstand in Magdalen Green.


John’s Monday evening Art Class students


Discover John Stoa’s latest works at exhibitions across Scotland.
John joins Dundee Art Society for their Annual Art Exhibition as well as Broughty Ferry Art Society for their Summer Art Exhibition. photo on left shows John’s Students in their annual exhibition with the botanic Gardens a few years ago.
John now has an ongoing Online Art Exhibition with a range of topics including Scottish landscapes, snow scene paintings and figure studies.


Winters Evening West End limited Edition Print


Oil Painting “A Moment in Time” purchased by Scottish Parliament delivered by Fedex Express